Two months ago I showed you the awesome work of Kelly McGuill rigt here. She wrote to me some days ago and let me know she has started a blog! A brand new blog which you should definitely visit. She has only just started but it's not hard to tell this is going to be one fine blog! I love her idea of using letters to decorate (you'll know what I mean when you go there). So, once you're done here (not for good I hope!) hop over to her blog here and let me know what you think!
And today, back to Spain to have a look at this rustic house. Unfortunately just four pictures :( Would have loved to see the rest of the house!

Love these doors and arched window. See how it relects in the mirror inside. And the way they trimmed the ivy to follow the arch is fantastic!

Now that is an interesting window, not that I like it, it looks like a prison window to me, but maybe it belongs to the original building and has a story, this is what I meant by interesting.

Unusual floor with bits of tile. I like everything except that horse's head on top of the cupboard. Doesn't it look as if it's just balancing up there?

Love that bench!
All images from here.
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